There are a few styles of flamenco dancing which are danced in couple but for the styles I teach you don’t need a partner. Flamenco is mostly a solo dance where you are to express your inner feelings. In flamenco you dance for yourself and not for others.

Yes men also dance flamenco. There are even a few flamenco dancing styles like the farruca that traditionally used to be danced by men only. I prefer to believe that flamenco has no gender. It is for everyone. 

Yes! No flamenco shoes, means no footwork. You may try a first class with a normal pair of shoes with heels but we recommend getting proper flamenco shoes if you want to get serious with footwork. Flamenco shoes are made in a way to protect your knees and also accentuate the sounds you make. Without them you risk injury on long term and won’t be able to hear properly what you are doing.

To begin with, anything you are comfortable with and that will not get entangled when you move around.

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